My present and past graduate students
Most master theses from 2007 and onwards can be downloaded here.
Notice that most of those written before 2013 are in Danish.
If you are interested in one of the theses you are also welcome to contact me directly, I could most probably send it to you by email.
Name |
Thesis |
Title (in English) |
Year |
73. Tobias Schau | M.Sc. | Analysing and Questioning Didactical Models of Real Numbers in Upper Secondary Mathematics Textbooks | Start 2025 |
72. Cæcilie Bøje Pedersen | M.Sc. | Maximum Likelihood Estimation: Content Didactic Analysis and Didactical Design | Start 2025 |
71. Petur Absalonsen | M.Sc. | Directed SRPs on systems of ODEs arising in biology | Start 2025 |
XVII. Signe Gottschau Malm | Ph.D. | Orchestrating students’ collective probabilistic reasoning in elementary school | Start 2025 |
XVI. Yueting Liang | Ph.D. | A comparative study of Danish and Chinese pre-service high school teachers' knowledge of probability and statistics |
Start 2024 |
70. Josefine Dixen Zwisler | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | The Mathematics of Maps for Upper Secondary School | Start 2024 |
69. Victor Lynge Nielsen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Probabilistic modeling and AI in upper secondary mathematics: an SRP experiment | 2025 |
68. Kathrine F. Dedenroth | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | The impact of university mathematics courses on novice teachers' teaching of differential calculus in high school | 2024 |
67. Donia Ahmad | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | AI-robust task design for college level calculus | 2024 |
XV. Derya Dyana Cosan | Ph.D. | Improving middle school algebra through bi-institutional lesson study | Start 2023 |
66. Jonas Uglebjerg | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Independence in secondary probability and statistics: content analysis and task design | 2023 |
65. Zarghoona Ghazi | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Mathematical writing - the case of equations | 2023 |
XIV. Mayu Aoki | Ph.D. | Learning fractions in two schools: Case studies on teaching and learning in Japanese supplementary schools | 2024 |
64. Minna O. Christiansen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | A Study and Research Path on linear programming in a business high school | 2021 |
63. Claus A. F. Bang | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Probability, Combinatorics, and Lesson Study in Danish High School | 2021 |
62. Derya Cosan | Cand.Scient. (M.Sc.) | A diagnostic test for Danish middle school arithmetic | 2021 |
XIII. Pia Beck Tonnesen | Ph.D. | The Abstraction Gap - transition from arithmetic to algebra through resources and modelling | Start 2021 |
XII. Rongrong Huo | Ph.D. | Future teachers’ knowledge of real numbers and functions on computers | 2024 |
61. Mie Hauberg Petersen | Cand. Scient. (M. Sc.) | Bilinigual students' performance in the context of probability and statistics in Danish high schools | 2021 |
60. Mette Jensen |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) |
An inquiry-based approach to teaching combinatorics in upper secondary school |
2020 |
59. Rukiye Dogan |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) |
Systematic variation of representations of functions |
2020 |
58. Maria Anagnostou |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) |
Students' practices with trigonometric identities and equations. |
2020 |
57. Mikkel Bülow Tofteng |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) |
The field of fractions as a sine-qua-non in upper secondary mathematics |
2020 |
56. Vibeke Vestermarken |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) |
An Inquiry Based Introduction to Binomial Distributions |
2019 |
Ph.D. |
2023 |
55. Freja Elbro |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) |
What are the important prerequisites to understand the definition of limits? |
2019 |
54. Louise Uglebjerg |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) |
Vectors in mathematics and physics - a study and research path |
2018 |
53. Lasse D. Christensen |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) |
Study and research paths in mathematical demography for Danish highschool |
2018 |
52. Anthony Barbaso |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) |
Linear models and the new basic mathematics course in the Danish secondary school |
2018 |
51. Niels Hvitved | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Situations for modelling Fermi Problems with multivariate functions |
2017 |
50. Sara Lehné | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Modelling and measuring teachers' praxeologies for teaching mathematics |
2017 |
2019 |
49. Jonas Kyhnæb | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Teaching infinitesimal calculus in high school - with infinitesimals | 2016 |
48. Mikkel Lindahl | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Teaching infinitesimal calculus in high school - with infinitesimals | 2016 |
47. Tanja Nielsen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Logical aspects of equations and equation solving | 2016 |
46. Anne Knudsen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | The Themes of Trigonometry and Power Functions in Relation to the CAS Tool GeoGebra | 2016 |
45. Line Sørensen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | The Themes of Trigonometry and Power Functions in Relation to the CAS Tool GeoGebra | 2016 |
44. Camilla Mattson | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | A Study on Teacher Knowledge Employing Hypothetical Teacher Tasks | 2016 |
43. Maria Kongshavn | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | High school students' and teacher students' knowledge about rational numbers |
2016 |
42. Aske Henriksen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Pattern analysis as entrance to algebraic proof situations at C-level | 2016 |
IX. Zetra Putra | Ph.D. | A Comparative Study of Pre-service Elemetary Teachers’ Knowledge on Fractions | 2018 |
41. Lotte Nørtoft | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) |
The trigonometric functions - the transition from geometric tools to functions |
2016 |
40. Caroline Poulsen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Transition problems in basic algebra from lower secondary school to upper secondary school |
2015 |
39. Asger Brix | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Number tricks as a didactical tool in teaching elementary algebra | 2015 |
VIII. Jacob Bahn | Ph.D | Team based design of inquiry based teaching in school mathematics | 2018 |
38. Jeanette Kjølbæk | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | One-dimensional regression in high school | 2015 |
37. Katrine F. Gravesen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Research like situations in a first theoretical course on real analysis | 2015 |
VII. Louise M. Carlsen | Ph.D. | Teachers’ Practice and Knowledge on School Algebra with CAS | 2020 |
36. Lene S. Eriksen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Research and study courses on modelling with functions in mathematics C in high school | 2015 |
VI. Dyana Wijayanti | Ph.D. | A praxeological study of proportionality in Mathematics Lower Secondary Textbooks |
2017 |
V. Britta Jessen | Ph.D. | Study and Research Paths at Upper Secondary Mathematics Education | 2017 |
IV. Klaus Rasmussen | Ph.D. | Praxeologies and Institutional constraints in the Advanced Science Teacher Education programme | 2016 |
35. Mariam Babrakzai-Zadran | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | A historical perspective on secondary school algebra: Mathematical organisations in secondary algebra | 2014 |
34. Nicole Koefoed | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | A didactical design on definition, existence and exact values of definite integrals | 2013 |
33. Simone G. Nielsen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | When children do research in mathematics | 2013 |
III. Levi Elipane | Ph.D. | Integrating the essential elements of lesson study in pre-service mathematics teacher education | 2012 |
32.Niven Adel Atie |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Didactic situations for completion of the square in the quadratic equation | 2012 |
31. Astrid K. Camilus | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Situations of validation in teaching sequences on differential equations and radioactivity | 2012 |
30. Jonathan Barrett | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Trigonometric functions in Danish high school | 2011 |
29. Line K. Nissen |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Mathematics for the fun of it – research and study courses in an experimental context | 2011 |
28.Servet Dönmez |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Language dimension of didactic contracts in mathematics: the case of bilingual students in high school | 2011 |
II. Marianne Achiam | Ph.D. | Exhibit engineering : A new research perspective | 2010 |
27. Jan Egballe Heinze |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | The exponential function in high school | 2010 |
26. Sofie Stoustrup Pedersen |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | An analysis of differential equations at high school A level based on the anthropological theory | 2010 |
25. Jesper Winther Sørensen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Abstract algebra in high school – design, teaching and analysis of group theory sequence | 2010 |
24. Signe Ougaard |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Logical structures in mathematical analysis at high school level: quantifiers and εδ-definitions | 2010 |
23. Hasan Ademovski |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Linearity and proportionality in lower secondary school | 2009 |
22. Hatice Ademovski | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Linearity and proportionality in lower secondary school | 2009 |
21. Thomas Thrane |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Design and test of a research and study course onvectorfunctions and motion | 2009 |
20. Flemming Hansen |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Interplay between mathematics and physics around the calculus in high school | 2009 |
19. Nadja Ussingkær |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Broken linear functions in the framework of German after-school mathematics | 2009 |
18. Britta Hansen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Didactics of mathematics and history combined – a praxeological analysis of study line projects | 2009 |
17. Jakob Svendsen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | The interplay between preparing and teaching mathematics in high school | 2009 |
16. Julian Tosev | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Experimental mathematics and situations of research in upper secondary teaching | 2007 |
15. Ana Gabriela Hesselbart Marquez |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Mathematical reasoning and semiosis – a theoretical analysis of didactical challenges in learning to prove | 2007 |
14. Niels Nørskov Laursen |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | A covariance approach to variable relations in high school – in a semiotic perspective | 2007 |
13. Martin Sonnenborg | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | The didactic potential of CAS | 2007 |
12. Karina Søgaard | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Galois theory in upper secondary school: a didactical transposition | 2007 |
11. Sarah Kyhn Buskbjerg |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Galois theory in upper secondary school: a didactical transposition | 2007 |
I. Morten Misfeldt | Ph.D | Mathematical Writing | 2006 |
10. Mette L. Mandrup | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | The new curriculum reform in Danish upper secondary school: external and internal didactical transposition | 2006 |
9. Lise-Lotte Sabano | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Relations between constructivism and mathematics education, in particular logical aspects | 2004 |
8. Malene Nørreris Kaul |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Mathematical problem solving from the point of view of competency notions | 2003 |
7. Katja Kofod Hansen | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Competency notions as an analytical and practical approach to current problems in mathematics education | 2003 |
6. Jørgen Lyngaard | Cand. pæd. (M.Ed.) | Almost commuting matrices – presentation and meta-aspects of an example of 20th century mathematics | 2002 |
5. Hanne Viuf Bang | Cand. pæd. (M.Ed.) | Mathematics and learning in mercantile upper secondary school | 2001 |
4. Morten Misfeldt | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Course on complex dynamics – a development project | 2001 |
3. Anne Calina Fuglsang-Damgaard |
Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Computer Algebra Systems in upper secondary level mathematics teaching – actual and potential didactic functions | 2001 |
2. Anne Ørhstrøm | Cand. pæd. (M.Ed.) | Linguistic aspects of using handheld symbolic calculators in upper secondary level mathematics teaching | 2001 |
1. Anne Louise Svenden | Cand. Scient. (M.Sc.) | Index for subfactors and its continuity properties | 1996 |
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Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik
University of Copenhagen
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DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
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