How teaching can affect the learning orchestration of first year science students

INDsigt seminar by Keith Trigwell, Institute for Teaching and Learning, The University of Sydney

Keith TrigwellThe session will begin with a presentation on the way students in first year science approach their learning and how their learning orchestration is related to their outcomes of learning. Using qualitative analyses of students' written comments and concept maps to assess students' understanding before and after a course, and a questionnaire about their approaches to learning (deep/surface) and experience of learning, several types of learning orchestration were identified. Some were more effective than others in terms of academic achievement.

Using this information, we will, in groups, explore the factors thought to be associated with higher quality student learning, and what teachers can do to effectively use those factors.

Please notice that this seminar will be held in English, and vary from regular INDsigt programming in time and location:

Time: Kl. 13:15-15:00 13 January 2012
Venue: Nørregade 10, 1017 København K, udvalgsværelse 3 (meeting room 3), entrance C, see map:

Participation is free but registration is required: Send a mail to no later than 9 January 2012.