Smartphones as scientific instruments in Inquiry Based Science Education
Forsvar af kandidatspeciale ved Henrik Egholm Wessel
Vejleder: Robert Evans (Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik)
Censor: Lærke Bang Jacobsen (Borupgaard Gymnasum)
Forsvaret foregår med præsentation på dansk (14:45-15:15) og efterfølgende diskussion på engelsk.
Smartphones are becoming more and more pupular incluing among students in danish high schools. With small programs, also called applications, smartphones can be turned into small scientific instruments for many in the class, so instead of working in groups of four or five, students can work in groups of two or three and the can therefore be more active and engaged.
The thesis is about finding out if it was possible to use smartphoens as sciencific instruments in inquiry based science education, if the students were willing to use their own smartphone in class, if the smartphones were precise enough to be used to gather worthwhile data and what the advantages and disadvantages are in using smartphones in class.
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