From mathematics for a few to "Mathematics for All"
Did.Mat.-Seminar with Gert Schrubring (UFRJ, Brazil & U. Bielefeld, Germany).
14.00-15.00: Talk by prof. Schubring, abstract below
15.00-15.15: Coffee and tea
15.15-16.00: Informal presentations of research by participants
Abstract for the talk:
Efforts to realize "Mathematics for All" are of a quite recent origin. Traditionally, mathematics teaching reached only a few - even if one considers that mathematics is characterized to be at the crossroads of liberal education and professional education and used to be stronger represented at the professional training side.
The different functions exerted by mathematics teaching in these periods will be analyzed, and ensuing reasons for the profound changes. The analysis proves to be quite complex and affording interdisciplinary approaches. Obstacles to realize Mathematics for All effectively will be discussed.