24 years of mathematics education and its relations to other subjects


Professor Claus Michelsen, University of Southern Denmark, Odense


With a past as high school teacher in mathematics and physics, the starting point for my research is an interest in the relationships between research in mathematics and science education and teaching practice, including the education and training of teachers in the subjects of natural sciences. In particular, my focus is on the role of and relations between the researcher and the practitioner in design and action research. The relations of mathematics to other subjects, initially especially physics and later all subjects of natural sciences, is another focal point of my research. The rationale has been to formulate a theoretically and empirically based framework for mathematics' interaction with other subjects, and in this connection I have, among other things. included the transfer problem, the process-object duality of concepts, Realistic Mathematics Education as well as modeling and inquiry based education. In about a month my retirement life will start and with this presentation I will use the occasion to share my more than 24 years of experiences with the topics above and based on this invite to a discussion of current educational and research issues regarding mathematics' relationships to other subjects.

This seminar is to honor and thank professor Claus Michelsen (SDU) for his many years of service both as a scholar of mathematics and science education, and as a central player in the Danish educational landscape, particularly surrounding high school mathematics. We hope many friends and colleagues from the Copenhagen area will show up in real life; after the seminar a small reception with a drink and a bite will be held. For those who are not able to attend F2F please use the zoom link (for the seminar, not for the reception).