Course for course organizers at SCIENCE
Course objective
Participants will get:
- An understanding of the pedagogical, administrative and technical tasks involved in being a course organizer at SCIENCE.
- Practical assistance in setting up the Absalon room
- Opportunity to exchange experiences with teachers and other course leaders participants about the potentials and challenges of the course organizer role.
- Opportunity to formulate an Individual goal for the course leadership / development of their course based on discussions in the course.
Day 1 - full day before your course starts | Day 2 - half day - while your course is running |
The role of course responsible at SCIENCE - before, during and after the course | Status and exchange of experience - follow up on set goals |
In groups for large classes and small classes:
Individual goal formulation |
The course has teachers from both IND and ITLC:
Frederik Voetmann Christiansen, Associate Professor, IND
Mikkel Willum Johansen, Associate Professor, IND
Kasper Bergstrøm, e-learning consultant, ITLC
Course language will be English.
Course dates
Next course is expected to be held in fall 2025. More information follows.