Registration for TA Course in English Autumn 2024

Registration for the course for Teaching Assistants starting 27 August 2024

Registration deadline: 13 August

We recommend to register as early as possible as the number of participants is limited. The course takes place at Department of Science Education (IND), Niels Bohr Building, Rådmandsgade 64, 2200 Kbh. N. Further details follows after registration.

About the course: You should consider to sign up for the English course if you are a student at SCIENCE and has a position as TA, and if one or more of the following points apply to you:

  • You don't speak danish 
  • You are going to teach at a master course (or at bachelor course in the second or third year)
  • You did not get a place on the Danish course 

Course days Autumn 2024:

  • Tuesday 27 August, 9:30 – 15:00: On site workshop: Presentations, exercises, groupwork, discussions.  
  • Thursday 29 August, 9:00 - 11:00: Short online workshop with plenary and individual activities. Submission of a small assignment 
  • Final meeting to complete the course. Both days at 13:00-16:00:
    • Tuesday 12 November 2024, after block 1, or
    • Thursday 30 January 2025, after block 2.

Each participant hands in small assignments during the period.

Read more about the format and content at the course page for the TA-course


To optimize the course, will you be requested to answer the following questions about your experience in teaching, and what your upcoming courses will contain.  

Your registration is confirmed, when you see the following message on your screen:

“Thank you for signing up for the TA course"

You will also receive an email confirming your registration. If you have any trouble signing up, please contact the course responsible, Christine Holm

Fields marked with * are required.

Department *
Specify in what department you are employed (or expect to be employed)
What block(s) are you teaching? *
Check of the block(s) you will be teaching.
Course number (see, name of the course, education and which year in the program the course will be completed.
Please also state other kinds of experience with teaching here; as an example evening classes, substitute teaching or anything alike.
Type of teaching. *
What type of teaching will you be doing? (You can elaborate in the comment-box at the bottom of the page)
What is your job? *
What kind of tasks, are you expected to carry out? (Elaborate in the comment-box at the bottom of the page)
Please describe what you as an instructor can contribute with in particular.
Describe shortly what you see as the three most significant challenges you can come across.
If you need to specify or elaborate on any of the previous questions, please do it here. Also if you have any further questions or comments for the course.