Course for department supervisors associated with Universitetspædagogikum

The course is mandatory for all supervisors. The course runs twice a year and all who wish to be department supervisors will receive an invitation for each course until the course has been completed.

The course is held at IND at Rådmandsgade 64, 2200 København rooms: 0H146/0H154

Learning outcome

  • The participant can manage academic supervision of assistant professors in a way which supports the pedagogical development of the assistant professor, and which builds on an understanding of the essential pedagogical principals of Universitetspædagogikum
  • The participant is able to draw from a range of different techniques in the supervision
  • The participant can carry out supervision and counselling, both as a supervisor and supervisee, in a way that supports the supervisee's reflection upon and development of their own supervision practice
  • The participant can engage in a discussion of the organization of Universitetspædagogikum at the faculty and department of the participant, and is in this discussion able to factor in theoretically funded arguments and considerations.