Registration for the Supervision of PhD students course

Please fill in the formula below in order to register for the course.

When your registration is complete and we have received your information a screen will appear that says thank you for your registration. If this do not appear please try again.

You will also receive an email confirming your registration.

If you have any question regarding the registration, please contact Olga Trolle 

Fields marked with * are required.

Personal information
If you do not work at Copenhagen University, please write ABC123.
Unit is a 8-digit number used for invoice. If you do not know the number please contact your department/institut secretary (If you are not from Copenhagen University please write 12345678)
Alias is a 10-digit number used for invoice. If you do not know the number please contact your department/institut secretary (if you are not from Copenhagen University, please write 0123456789)
KU Spec is a 7-digit number used for invoice. If you do not know the number please contact your department/institut secretary.
Only required if you are not a Copenhagen University employee