Supervision of BSc and MSc students

Learning outcome

The focus of the course is supervision of BSc and MSc students who are doing their bachelor’s project or Master’s thesis or other kinds of projects under supervision.

The supervisors will improve their skills to:

  • Identify, articulate, and reflect on their supervision practice
  • Connect supervision to local rules and regulation of supervision as well as knowledge about supervision
  • Provide feedback to the students’ written or oral presentations in a way that facilitate the students’ learning process.

The course runs over two days with a period before and in between where participants are to carry out small investigations. In order to pass the course, the participants are required to carry out the pre-work as well as actively participate in both course days.

The focus of the first day is on rules and regulations and include the following:

  • Rules and regulations at the departments at SCIENCE
  • Roles and responsibilities of the supervisor
  • Coping with difficult situations in supervision

The focus of the second day is on supervision techniques and include the following:

  • Supervision letter
  • The questioning wheel
  • University resources for students
  • Reflection note



The aims of the course are addressed through discussions, exercises and short presentations, and will be related to the participants’ own practice, experience, and concerns. The course is thus highly dependent on the contributions and engagement of the participants.

As pre-work for the first course day, the participants are required to:

  1. Read the suggested literature
  2. Share course expectations and supervision experiences
  3. Identify formal and informal rules and regulations

Between the two course days and as pre-work for the second day, the participants are to:

  1. Read the suggested literature
  2. Explore students’ experiences and expectations
  3. Develop a draft of a supervision letter



Free for participants from SCIENCE.
Other participants DKK 2.000

All other participants are required to cover any and all costs pertaining to this course themselves. Each participant is responsible for ensuring that the financially responsible body (typically the home institute) accepts all costs before signing up for this.

You registration is considered binding and the following rules apply: 2 weeks before the start of the course, it is possible to opt out, without having to pay participation fees. Beyond this date you will be charged the full participation fee.


Rådmandsgade 64, 2200 København N