Teaching Portfolio Workshops
We have no sceduled workshops at the moment, but we offer workshops on demand. We will be happy to arrange a workshop regarding use of teaching portfolios for groups of staff at SCIENCE/SUND. The workshop can be costumized according to your needs and interests. Relevant themes could be:
- Assessment of teaching portfolios for certification, appointment and promotion (see detailed describtion for a former workshop serie for Teaching Portfolio Assessors below)
- Use of teaching portfolio for the personal development review (PDR/MUS)
- Course portfolios - continuous improvement of courses and course elements
Detailed description on former workshop for teaching portfolion assessors:
Workshop for Teaching Portfolio Assessors
Learning outcome
This workshop will provide tools for scientific staff who are involved in the assessment of teaching portfolios for certification, appointment and promotion.
After a short introduction to assessment of teaching portfolios, all participants will be asked to assess an authentic teaching portfolio, using the University of Copenhagen Competence Profile. Then the portfolios are shared to discuss issues of validity, reliability and the influence of local context.
(Potential) members of assessment committees, hiring committees, internal members in appraisal committees for tenure track assistant professors, and department supervisors involved in the University Pedagogy courses.
More information
We have no scheduled workshops at the moment, but we offer workshop on teaching portfolios on demand.
Please contact contact Christine Holm for further information.