Advanced Didactics Courses

Department of Science Education offers 2 courses in advanced didactics, namely in mathematics (DidMatV) and science (DidNatV).

Advanced Didactics of Mathematics (DidMatV)

The advanced course in the didactics of mathematics is for you, who want to become more familiar with the scientific theories and methods of the didactics of mathematics. The course requires prior completion of Fundamentals of the Didactics of Science and Mathematics. Read the course description here

Advanced Didactics of Science (DidNatV)

The course is for you, who is considering a career as an upper secondary school teacher.The course requires prior completion of Fundamentals of the Didactics of Science and Mathematics. 

On a regular basis other advanced courses in didactics are established. For more information, contact Head of Department Jens Dolin.