Advanced Didactics of Mathematics (DidMatV)/ 7,5 ECTS

Do you want to work research based with mathematics as a teaching subject?

In this course you will become acquainted with the didactics of mathematics in an level which will prepare you to write a paper or a thesis within this field. 

The course has two parts: a theoretical part and a small independant project. The theoretical part aim at introducing the student to a variety of newer theories and methods of the didactics of mathematics, including such which concerns:

  • The theory of didactical situations in mathematics
  • Cognitive and semiotic aspects of learning mathematics
  • Anthropological analysis of teaching and its object
  • The theory of instrumental genesis (concerning IT use in mathematics education)

The project work may include short observation- or interview sequences in a teaching situation outside the university.

At the end of the course you should be able to:

  • work independently with basic mathematical themes using relevant theory of the didactics of mathematics
  • explain fields of application, connections and differences between the theories which have been introduced in the course, discuss others' use of these and reflect upon your own choice of theoretical perspective
  • identify and analyze an issue concerning mathematics as a teaching subject, with the aim of giving this issue a precise formulation within the framework of relevant theory of the didactics of mathematics
  • complete a theoretically and methodically well-founded study of such an issue, including seeking out and reflecting upon relevant litterature about the didactics of mathematics.


Final evaluation with internal censor and grade given for the final project report.

What is expected from you?

Participation depends on completion of the course Fundamentals of the Didactics of Science and Mathematics, as well as at least one year of studies in the mathematical sciences on at least bachelor level 

Registration and practical information

The course is placed in schema group A and is 7,5 ECTS-points. Registration takes place through the self-service system at KUnet under Faculty of Science.

Course information in 'KU kurser' - Block 1, E2013