Dialogue tool - No worries

Here you will find a tool for sharing and discussing worries. We hope this dialogue tool can help mitigate unnecessary worries that many PhD fellows have when starting PhD studies.

Many newly enrolled PhD fellows are excited to start this new step in their career. At the same time some PhD fellows may feel insecure and a number of questions may emerge. 

Do I have the right competences to enter academia? Will I be able to work with my supervisor? Will I get publishable results from my experiments? Can I keep up the motivation throughout the three years?

These are questions that many PhD fellows ask themselves after the first enthusiasm of embarking on their studies has faded. Sometimes these worries may impede transition into independent research, and in any case worrying unnecessarily is unpleasant and disruptive.

You may recognise some of the worries on this page, but there will also be a lot of worries that you do not subscribe to. By bringing out the worries with the use of this dialogue tool, it will hopefully be easier to talk about otherwise sensitive issues, and thereby supporting a better process through PhD studies.


The tree illustrates the worries that newly enrolled PhD fellows experience. The stem and roots represent inner worries, while the branches and leaves represent external worries. For descriptions of the worries, see dropdown boxes in the bottom. 

Tree with worries

About the dialogue tool

Here you can read about how to use the dialogue tool, and how it was developed.












Here you find descriptions of the worries.

Stem and roots























Branches and leaves