Biinstitutional lesson study and algebra
Derya Cosan
The presentation will provide an overview of the progress of the PhD project “Improving Middle School Algebra through Bi-Institutional Lesson Study”. The project investigates the potential of a new approach to developing algebra teaching in Danish lower secondary schools, with the aim of facilitating students’ transition to upper secondary school. This approach engages teachers from these institutions in so-called lesson studies.
The project is grounded in the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic. First, key findings related to the transition problem from lower secondary to upper secondary algebra will be presented. Then, the core concept of the project—bi-institutional lesson study, i.e., lesson studies conducted across institutions to ease the transition between two connected and neighboring institutions—will be introduced, with a particular focus on how this approach can be used to address transition problems between institutions.
External inquirer:
Professor Lars Ulriksen