MONA - Mathematics and Science Education

- Journal for teachers, facilitators and researchers

MONA is a journal primarily for teachers of mathematics and science, but is also aimed at researchers and facilitators taking an interest in these subjects.

MONA is issued by the Faculty of SCIENCE at the University of Copenhagen, in cooperation with a number of other educational institutions (editorial board and MONA-partners - in Danish), initially with support from the Danish Ministry of Education (UVM).

MONA is the first Danish journal based on scientific articles on science education which have been subjected to a systematic peer review (double anonymous, two reviewers).

MONAs editorial board is located at the Department of Science Education at the University of Copenhagen.

Subscribe to MONA (in Danish)






Contact the editorial board

Att.: Magnus Boye
Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, Københavns Universitet
Niels Bohr Bygningen
Universitetsparken 5
DK-2100 København Ø

E-mail: mona@ind.ku.dkWeb: