4 October 2021

Does student agency benefit student learning?

University pedagogy

The field of research must reassess how educators encounter student agency, whether it is grounded in educational norms, precise definitions of agency or possible futures.

Postdoc Maria Hvid Stenalt (Department of Science Education, UCPH) is the co-author of a systematic review, titled: “Does student agency benefit student learning? A systematic review of higher education research”. The study was conducted with Berit Lassesen from Aarhus University, and examines how student agency affects student learning in higher education. The paper highlights the need to pay attention to framings of agency in considering how to research and, possibly, implement student agency in higher education practices.


Maria Hvid Stenalt & Berit Lassesen (2021) Does student agency benefit student learning? A systematic review of higher education research, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2021.1967874

The full paper can be accessed here.