Applying science in upper secondary schools

Overarching network and analysis project for the fourth round of development projects regarding applying science in upper secondary school.

From august 2012 to June 2014 five development projects will be conducted by the Danish Ministry of Education. In these projects upper secondary schools, corporations, universities and other educational institutions collaborate in developing and testing courses focusing on applying science.

Department of Science Education is leading a network and analysis project with participation from Danish Science Factory (formerly Danish Science Communication). This overarching project focus on dialogue and cooperation between the three development projects. DSE's involvement is through facilitation, documentation and analysis of experiences from the projects. The project is financed by the Danish Ministry of Education and the participating institutions.

For more information see the Danish website.

Participants from Danish Science Factory and DSE 

Christine Holm, DSE
Jan Alexis Nielsen, DSE
Jens Dolin, DSE
Lene Friis, Danish Science Factory