Reinventing research-based education at the university
This research project examined how the idea of research-based education was currently reinvented and emerging in new configurations. Taking its point of departure in a strategic initiative of the University of Copenhagen to integrate research and teaching, the project explored the different conditions and modes of organizing that affect how such integration takes form.

Research-based education is a key principle of the modern university, but can take different forms depending on the context, discipline and how it is organized. This project combined interviews, participant observation and methods of contemporary history to elucidate how efforts to integrate research and teaching are configured within different subject fields, how its organization affected learning and teaching, and what challenges and potentials coupling research and education meet in the university of today.
The overall aim was to create insights that can qualify future developments at the University of Copenhagen, but also to elucidate the broader tendencies that shape the relation between research and education in universities of today.