Equity in Science Education

The research group in Equity in Science Education explores disciplinary cultures, spaces, participants’ engagement in science and the overarching structures in science education.

The research group Equity in Science Education engage in research that apply equity as a lens to understand the in- and exclusion mechanism of different pupils, students and teachers within science and engineering education. Our research strives to understand the disparities that transcend science practices, cultures and spaces.

We aim to make research that matters for science education practices in and out of schools. Therefore, based on our research, we seek close dialogue with fellow researchers, stakeholders, leaders, teachers, and organisations to support and develop ways and interventions to overcome injustices in science education.

Who are we?

We are a group of researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds covering geology, geography, chemistry, anthropology, philosophy, mathematics, social psychology, pedagogy and communication. Many of us have worked in science education for many years.

We draw on a range of primarily qualitative methods ranging from ethnographic fieldwork, timeline interviews, narrative interviews and arts based methods.


Name Title Phone E-mail
Jonas Niemann PhD Fellow +4535329201 E-mail
Katia Bill Nielsen Postdoc +4535326581 E-mail
Gry Ellegaard Thorsen Postdoc +4535328751 E-mail
Ene Ernst Hoppe Postdoc +4535334284 E-mail
Lene Møller Madsen Professor +4535320459 E-mail
Lars Ulriksen Professor +4535320338 E-mail
Henriette Tolstrup Holmegaard Professor +4535320386 E-mail

Associated international research groups

Research group leader

Professor Heidi Carlone

Katherine Johnson Chair of Science Education

Department of Teaching and Learning

Peabody College of Education and Human Development

Vanderbilt University

Professor Louise Archer

Karl Mannheim Professor of Sociology of Education

co-chair of the Centre for Sociology of Education and Equity

University College London

Professor in Science Education Anne Danielsson

University of Stockholm

Professor Eva Silfver and Asscoiated professor Maria Berge

University of Umeå

Associated professor Billy Wong

University of Reading