Research Group on History and Philosophy of Science

The Research Group encompasses the history and philosophy of the sciences broadly conceived while focused on integrative approaches to history and philosophy of science and on philosophy of science in practice.

Some of the HPS-group members in front of the Niels Bohr Archive, located at the Niels Bohr Institute (NBI). The bronze relief shows the four Nobel laureates of the NBI.

The research group holds expertise in general philosophy of science as well as in history and philosophy in the special sciences, such as the life sciences, mathematics, physics, computer science, and the earth sciences. Research in the group is also directed at other areas of history and philosophy of science that are of special importance to practicing scientists, science policy, and science education.

The group also works on the development of teaching strategies and teaching material, in connection to our courses in philosophy of science for science students.

The HPS-group is closely connected to the Niels Bohr Archive, an international hub for research on the history and philosophy of modern physics.

The Second International Congress for the Unity of Science, Copenhagen 1936, copyright and property of the Niels Bohr Archive
Picture from the 2nd International Congress for the Unity of Science, Copenhagen, June 1936, with permission from the Niels Bohr Archive. Debates about the unity or disunity of science are still ongoing. It is therefore relevant to reflect on how science has developed since (and who have filled the “empty seats”).





Among the topics of current research are:

  • General philosophy of science
  • History and Philosophy of Biology and Biomedical Sciences
  • History and Philosophy of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • History and Philosophy of the Earth Sciences
  • Digital Humanities for History and Philosophy of Science
  • Responsible Conduct of Research

Ongoing research projects within the group:

Digital Humanities of Mathematical Practice (Henrik Kragh Sørensen)

The Nature of Naming and the Naming of Nature (Joeri Witteveen)

Philosophy of Personalized Medicine in Practice (Sara Green og Olivia Spalletta)










































The Niels Bohr Archive holds unique archival sources documenting the history of modern physics, particularly the life and work of Niels Bohr. (Prospective visitors are encouraged to contact Christian Joas, director of the Niels Bohr Archive)


Other HPS institutions in Denmark












Name Title Phone E-mail
Anja Skaar Jacobsen Research Consultant E-mail
Christian Benjamin Joas Associate Professor +4535334654 E-mail
Claus Emmeche Associate Professor E-mail
Federica Bocchi Postdoc +4535328807 E-mail
Hanne Andersen Professor +4535334196 E-mail
Hans Peter Halvorson Professor +4535320261 E-mail
Henrik Kragh Sørensen Professor +4535333963 E-mail
Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen Postdoc +4535329146 E-mail
Joeri Witteveen Associate Professor +4535330467 E-mail
Josefine Lomholt Pallavicini Teaching Assistant Professor E-mail
Kristine Cecile Harper Professor E-mail
Lara Kristina Sabatier PhD Fellow +4535329531 E-mail
Lukas Deviletti Skov PhD Fellow +4535325449 E-mail
Mikkel Willum Johansen Associate Professor +4535320381 E-mail
Olivia Marie Spalletta Postdoc E-mail
Rasmus Jaksland Postdoc +4535325134 E-mail
Richard Anthony William Staley Professor +4535332546 E-mail
Sara Green Associate Professor +4535334632 E-mail
Srijan Butola PhD Fellow +4535326426 E-mail


Sara Green, Associate professor

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