Lene Møller Madsen

Lene Møller Madsen


Medlem af:

I am a human geographer with a strong profile within the geoscience profession. For the last 18 years, I have worked in the field of science education and have extensive research experience at both the upper-secondary and the higher education level. I have a special interest in the disciplines of geography and geology concerning both the teaching and learning and the meaning of cultures. The focus in my research is on students’ learning processes and ways of becoming members of science disciplines; hence, students’ choices and navigations, science identity processes, and the use of fieldwork are research areas within which I have substantial publications. I am a qualitative researcher with thorough experience in using a variety of qualitative methodologies as well as publishing and providing PhD courses in qualitative methodologies.

A considerable part of my profession includes teaching and working with science teachers in upper-secondary teacher training, in in-service upper-secondary teacher training, and in in-service university teacher training. For a 10-year period, I also worked on in-service university teacher training in the Global South.

I serve as Head of Studies of the Master Programme in Science Teaching at the DSE, and I am Head of the Science Group for in-service upper-secondary teacher training and a member of the research committee at the DSE. In my service to the profession, I am an appointed member of the Danish National Committee for Geography, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, and the country contact for Denmark of the International Geographical Union Commission on Geographical Education (IGU-CGE). My main social impact is through promoting inquiry teaching and learning.

Currently, I am engaged in two international research projects: Geographies of Internationalisation, funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) with researchers from Finland and the UK, and Gender Aware Teaching for Equity in Science and Engineering (GATE), funded by Paul Due Jensen, Grundfos Foundation with researchers from Sweden, Spain, and the USA.

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Jeg underviser i fagene:

  • Grundkursus i de naturvidenskabelige fags didaktik (DidG), kursusansvarlig
  • Naturfagsdidaktik og undersøgelsesbaseret undervisning, kursusansvarlig (MISU)

Derudover er jeg pædagogisk vejleder på IGN (geografi og geologi) samt løbende vejleder på bachelorprojekter og specialer indenfor geofagenes didaktik.

ID: 9319