Stopmotion som redskab for konceptuel læring
Stopmotion som redskab for konceptuel læring
IND's Studenterserie nr. 113, 2023, Masterafhandling - Master i scienceundervisning
Hans Lindebjerg Legard, 2020
Vejleder: Jesper Bruun
An analysis of my current praxis, in which a stop motion activity is embedded in a traditional
teaching of electricity, centered in classical experiments has shown that analogical scafolding can
facilitate conceptual change (Podolefsky and Finkelstein, 2007). In my masterproject, I have filtered
my current praxis, regarding my use of stop motion by the analytical tool analogical scafolding,
which also serves as an analytical and didactical tool in the teaching. In that respect the teaching in
electricity, which has been blended to theory and results, serves as an input space for my own
conceptual change.
Traditional electricity teaching does not solve the challenge of creating conditions for conceptual change, as the results unveil a tendency for students to stick to naïve physics, and furthermore there is hiatus in the student’s mental landscape (Greeno, 1981 in Dolin, 2001) of electricity. Results of a survey and focus group interviews, shows that a group of students in a typical science class at Tørring gymnasium, is adapted to traditional teaching, and to a lesser degree is motivated for creative learning processes. The results indicate that students are motivated by knowledge acquisition and mastering, and they seems to be competition minded, if the learning isn´t what they reconcile as efficient. The feedback is supported by a research of situated interests and individual interests (Rotgans and Smith, 2017). This indicates that a more fine-grained scafolding in stop motion activity could increase interest and thereby the motivation. I have proposed how an experimentalistic approach (Niebert and Gropengisser, 2014), could be useful as an alternative to traditional learning. In the experimentalistic design, input space is developed through small qualitative experiments, that is cueing relevant image schemas connected to the electrical circuit.
The student develops conceptual change on the electric circuit by performing hydrodynamic experiments. The water analogy functions as an input space for student’s conceptual change, which is blended with preconceptions and is framed by observations and measurements. The construction of mental models is a bootstrapping mechanism, which means that the student at the same time construct schemas for electrical circuits and hydrodynamics. Though my own praxis has thus been the object for thorough adjustments, I have conserved my original teaching concept with the purpose to excavate the student’s preconception in an earlier stage of the teaching with the purpose of creating student awareness of their own preconceptions as a starting point for conceptual change. In the original concept the students are free to choose input space for blending.
This preactivity is furthermore aimed to map learning demand for the experimentalistic learning.
(Niebert and Gropengisser, 2014).