30. juni 2019

Autobiographical narratives with focus on science

"Autobiographical narratives with focus on science" - [2.3Mb]

IND's studenterserie nr. 77. Masterafhandling - Master i scienceundervisning.

Kirsi Inkeri Pakkanen, 2019.

Vejleder: Helle Mathiasen


This multiple case study is based on seven autobiographical narratives and the corresponding semistructured interviews and aims to elucidate how family values and life experiences shape technical college (HTX) students’ science identity and science futures. The empirical data was analyzed using Pierre Bourdieu’s capital theory, Archer and co-worker’s science capital theory and Niklas Luhmann’s systems theory as the main theoretical viewpoints. The analysis suggested that interest in science, starting from upper secondary school was the main reason for more or less all the informants’ orientation towards science studies both with respect to secondary education, HTX, and their plans of future studies. Science careers with similar professional areas seemed typically be valued by their professional content and not by parameters such as parental pressure, future salary or chance of employment. To develop an analytical and didactic-pedagogical tool based on Archer and co-workers science capital suitable for use in Denmark further work is needed.