Engineering i naturen og på naturskolen
"Engineering i naturen og på naturskolen" - [2.9Mb]
IND's studenterserie nr. 78. Masterafhandling - Master i scienceundervisning.
Niels Jacob Jensen, 2019.
Vejleder: Marianne Achiam
With this master thesis, I seek to shed light on how the design-oriented teaching method "Engineering" can be applied to a nature school. I work with two relationships: 1) Based on the engineering work of the real world, I develop the model "Engineering in the nature school in nature" (EiSnatur), which is adapted to students' work in nature at a nature school. 2) I examine students' work with an EiSnatur teaching case directly at a nature school and in nature. The results show that the pupils are actively participating throughout the teaching activity. In the discussion, the reader is guided through my insights before the results of my study and my field study are put into perspective. The teaching case is developed on the basis of my model (EiSnatur). Both relationships are based on the interpretive paradigm. Natural schools are external learning environments, which have an impact on the participants' different roles as well as forms of teaching and - organization. In the practical evaluation I collect data by participant observation. The results show that the students are actively participating throughout the case. Furthermore, the EiSnatur model as a model and the practical activity offers students real-life work in groups that involve the design processes and materials nature offers in a situation that is clearly different from the students’ school life. It is concluded, among other things. that both model and practical case show that engineering is suitable for being implemented for students' work in nature and at nature schools.