22. september 2022

Åben Skole som indgang til tværfagligt samarbejde

Åben Skole som indgang til tværfagligt samarbejde [pdf, 0.7MB]

IND's studenterserie nr. 106. Specialerapport. Kandidat i STEM-undervisning.

Simon Funch, 2022.

Vejleder: Marianne Achiam


This thesis examines teachers’ and company educators’ understanding of interdisciplinarity and its role in the Danish approach to out-of-school education Åben Skole. I conduct a qualitative study containing interviews of teachers and company educators. Four themes emerged across the two respondent groups: Why open school?, Interdisciplinarity - what and how ?, Disciplines in Åben Skole and Dannelse in Åben Skole. The analysis shows that both teachers and educators aim for out-of-school visits to companies to focus on the students' application of knowledge, skills and competencies, and that according to the respondents, interdisciplinarity is an appropriate way to involve Åben Skole in teaching. The results indicate that the interaction between the STEM subjects and Åben Skole creates a potential for both working with the students' disciplinary competencies and with the Danish concept Dannelse within the STEM subjects. Finally, I point out which areas could be interesting to investigate in more detail in future research projects, in relation to the results of this thesis.