27. juni 2024



IND’s studenterserie nr. 118, 2024, bachelor - matematik.

Mille Christina Bødstrup

Vejleder: Mikkel Willum Johansen


This bachelor project explores the phenomenon of p-hacking within scientific research - a term describing the practice where researchers manipulate data to achieve statistically significant results. Through an analysis of three case studies (including Brian Wansink’s pizza buffet study, an investigation of motorcycle accidents during full moons and Study 329 on the use of Paroxetine in adolescents) it clarify the underlying causes, methods employed, and the potentially consequences of p-hacking. By utilizing case studies as the methodological approach, the thesis aims to uncover the often subtle and overlooked choices contributing to p-hacking, as well as discussing its impact on the integrity and credibility of science. The project includes a mathematical walkthrough of the theory behind hypothesis testing and p-values, to give a better understanding of the issue. Finally, potential methods to prevent p-hacking are discussed - emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability in the research process.
