16. april 2024

Muligheder og udfordringer ved STEM-undervisning

Muligheder og udfordringer ved STEM-undervisning
Læreres samarbejde om planlægning, gennemførelse og evaluering af kompetenceorienteret STEM-undervisning

IND’s studenterserie nr. 116, 2024, Speciale - fysik.

Emilie Skaarup Bruhn

Vejleder: Jesper Bruun


This thesis focuses on teachers work and cooperation in STEM-education. Through action research it examines the challenges and opportunities linked to planning, implementing, and evaluating teaching in lower secondary school from a teacher perspective. The thesis puts special attention to operationalization and evaluation of competencies through evaluation methods.
These methods include peer feedback and teacher-student-dialogues. The interventions from the action research consist of three sessions with external sparring supplied by two observations in class between the sessions. Research data from the sessions is analyzed through both thematic analysis and network analysis. The conclusion pinpoints challenges and opportunities linked to the ill-defined open-ended nature of STEM-education, the incorporation of mathematics in STEM-education, cooperation between teachers across different teams, operationalization and evaluation of competencies, the role of peer feedback in STEM-education, and teachers’ professional development with focus on practice and external sparring.
