KTUM - Knowledge for Teaching Upper-secondary Mathematics: comparison and benchmarking across Europe The project aimed at exploring a possible common core framework for the education of upper secondary mathematics teachers.
An investigation of constraints teachers’ technology use in everyday work life The project contributed with recommendations for future teaching environments based on teachers’ perspectives and for future development of digital teaching competencies with a focus on Higher Education.
Co-Creating Sustainability Communication In three workshops we work together as citizens, science communicators, researchers, and other stakeholders in moving beyond mainstream science communication to co-create an interdisciplinary framework for progressive…
Programming, computational thinking and mathematical digital competencies: resources based on cross country comparisons In this project, we will support Danish mathematics teachers to integrate programming and computational thinking (PCT) into their teaching by exploring and experimenting with the role of PCT in mathematics teaching.
Reinventing research-based education at the university The aim of this research project is to examine how the idea of research-based education is currently reinvented and emerging in new configurations.
TIME DSE participates in the EU project TIME on teachers' design of inquiry based mathematics education in high school. The TIME project also involves the Mathematics Teachers' Association from Denmark, and a number of…
Geographies of Internationalization Using a spatial approach, this project aims at exploring how internationalization affects the perception of quality, relevance and learning in higher education and how these perceptions travel with mobile academics.
IQ-Lab Students’ work in laboratories is central to science education. In particular in educating pharmaceutical experts, as laboratory learning is essential for the strong focus on quality control and regulatory sciences. But…
The Nature of Naming and the Naming of Nature The project aims at develop an integrated historical-philosophical account of taxonomic naming systems.
The Base on Mars The aim of the project is to create a game that teachers can use in their teaching of physics at the C-level in the Danish upper secondary level.