IND Papers - "IND's skriftserie"
IND publishes a series of papers called "IND's skriftserie", which conveys results from analyses of courses at the science study programmes and reports on didactical issues of general interest within these programmes.
Printed copies of this series will be sent on demand. From no. 19 the books can be bought as print on demand from Lulu. The online pdf-versions can be collected from the list below (mostly in Danish).
All links are to pdf-files which will open in a new window.
Nr. 45/2016 Vedkommende undervisning - for hvem? Deltagerfaringer fra it-udviklingsprojekter - et elevperspektiv
2016.05.31 -
Nr. 44/2016 Praxeologies and Institutional Interactions in the Advanced Science Teacher Education
2016.05.30 -
Nr. 43/2016 Undervisningskontekst og præmisser for deltagelse - Ifølge elever og lærere
2016.04.05 -
Nr. 42/2015 Matematikudredningen - Udredning af den gymnasiale matematiks rolle og udviklingsbehov udført efter opdrag fra Undervisningsministeriet
2015.11.30 -
Nr. 41/2015 Geovidenskab - En undersøgelse af de første studenter
2015.11.16 -
Nr. 40/2015 Science Moves - Report on a series of workshops where the public engage with scientific ideas through kinaesthetic models
2015.09.30 -
Nr. 39/2015 Mathematics and Science: The relationships and disconnections between research and education - Papers from a doctoral course at the University of Copenhagen
2015.09.02 -
Nr. 38/2015 Learning dynamics in doctoral supervision
2015.07.15 -
Nr. 37/2014 Overgangsproblemer mellem grundskole og gymnasium i fagene dansk, matematik og engelsk
2015.01.08 -
Nr. 36/2014 Kompendium: Inquiry Based Science Education