Student papers - "Studenterserien"
The Student Papers at IND consists of Master's theses written at or in connection with the Department of Science Education. They often revolve around specific educational issues connected with the scientific disciplines, which is also of interest to the "outside world". The are therefore, with the permission of the authors, published in electronic form here at the department website (mostly in Danish).
The reports are made by students and are therefore not actual research publications. Several of the theses have provided the background for articles, whereof many have been published in the MONA journal.
All links are to pdf-files, which will open in a new window.
Hvem er de nye studenter? Baggrund, interesse & uddannelsesstrategi
Proportionalitet på mellemtrinnet - Design af didaktiske situationer baseret på stofdidaktisk analyse
Samspil omkring differentialregningens elementer i gymnasiets matematik og fysik
Design og test af RSC-forløb om vektorfunktioner og bevægelse
En didaktisk undersøgelse af brudte lineære funktioner i rammerne af tysk fritidsmatematik
Didaktik på tværs af matematik og historie
Matematiklærerens forberedelse
Krop og computer i fysikundervisning
Lyd og Liv
En Covarians-tilgang til Variabelsammenhænge i Gymnasiet - i et semiotisk perspektiv