Student papers - "Studenterserien"
The Student Papers at IND consists of Master's theses written at or in connection with the Department of Science Education. They often revolve around specific educational issues connected with the scientific disciplines, which is also of interest to the "outside world". The are therefore, with the permission of the authors, published in electronic form here at the department website (mostly in Danish).
The reports are made by students and are therefore not actual research publications. Several of the theses have provided the background for articles, whereof many have been published in the MONA journal.
All links are to pdf-files, which will open in a new window.
’KLIMA HISTORIER’ The Art Of Imagining A Green Future
The ice algae Ancylonema as icebreakers
Stopmotion som redskab for konceptuel læring
Independence in Secondary Probability and Statistics: Analysis and Task Design
Machine Learning i gymnasiet
Danish upper secondary students’ apprehensions of the equal sign
Grundskoleelevers oplevelse af SSI-undervisning i en STEM-kontekst.
Implementering af STEM i grundskolen
Stem som interdisciplinær undervisningsform
Åben Skole som indgang til tværfagligt samarbejde